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Alla Taran


Introduction. The passage of time is reflected by the language system in the form of innovative processes. In the intense emotional field of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the creation of the Ukrainian language lexicon is influenced by the content of events that speakers emotionally experience in the current historical time. We can convincingly talk about a new semantic and connotative spectrum of some words of the war period, which should be recorded in dictionaries of new words and new meanings that reflect new touches of the Ukrainian linguistic worldview.
The purpose is to outline the main patterns and directions of semantic development of evaluative nominations during the Russian-Ukrainian war.
Results. In the realities of war, evaluative paradigms change under the influence of new guidelines of socio-political life and social consciousness, as well as the range of evaluated phenomena and factors expands, and metaphorical designations-personifications appear. The imagery, the
unusualness of the comparison underlying the metaphorical transfer, allows the author to create an expressive tool capable of reproducing the author’s individual vision of the world. The evaluative and imaginative nature of nominations is connected with myth. The language reflects not only objective reality but also reproduces an assessment as a result of the speaker’s division of objective reality in terms of its value.
Originality. The semantics of evaluative nominations makes it possible to transmit information “above the text” and evokes certain programmed reactions of the recipients. The author’s metaphors are a manifestation of the linguistic personality, evidence of his/her creativity and creative command of the word.
Conclusions. Language reflects not only objective reality, but also reflects evaluation as a result of the speaker’s division of objective reality in terms of its value. Values depend on the value orientations of society. The Ukrainian language in the realities of war is being shaped every day across the country: there is too much pain, enough anger, and, most importantly, enough faith and love. Evaluative secondary nominations are among the active sources of enriching the language’s expressive resources. The speaker uses an emotionally coloured word in a secondary meaning to conceptualise neutral phenomena, events or ordinary situations as a means of expression to describe an event.

Article Details

Author Biography

Alla Taran, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy (Cherkasy, Ukraine)

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
(Cherkasy, Ukraine)
ORCID 0000-0001-8091-1477
Identifier Scopus-Author: 57216896179


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