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Introduction. In addition to natural, historical and cultural attractions, more and more places in Transcarpathia offer organised programmes for tourists. The region's festivals are dominated by folk art and folklore festivals, with gastronomy festivals in second place. Gastronomic festivals
(especially wine festivals) are gaining ground in the festival tourism of Transcarpathia and attract a significant number of domestic visitors.
Purpose. The present study attempts to map the linguistic landscape of the emerging gastronomic festivals in Transcarpathia, with a detailed focus on the two best-known festivals organised in the Hungarian settlements (International Butcher Competition of Hecha, International Wine Festival of Berehove). The festivals are presented mainly on the basis of participant observations made in 2018–2019, as well as news and information published on online platforms and news portals, because most festivals have been canceled until the spring of 2022 due to the coronavirus epidemic. Results and conclusion. The linguistic landscape of festivals and festival-like events in
Transcarpathia are strongly dominated by the state language, Ukrainian. The languages of the Transcarpathian minorities appear only rarely alongside the state language, and even less frequently (or not at all) and only at the lexeme or syntagma level, other foreign languages such as English. In the festivals of the Hungarian settlements, the symbolic linguistic space is characterised by bilingual signs
and a slight dominance of Ukrainian language. The proportion of languages appearance also depends on
the target audience and the needs of the festival, and on the area of the festival depending on the ethnicity
of Transcarpathia. In other words, in practice, this means that festivals of local significance in the Hungarian-speaking areas have a bilingual symbolic space alongside the dominance of the Hungarian language. On the other hand, festivals of greater interest, such as the International Butcher Competition of Hecha or the International Wine Festival of Berehove, remain bilingual only in their main image, but the symbolic space of the festival area is dominated by the majority language.
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