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The article explores the possibilities of translating English causative constructions into Ukrainian
within the framework of the cognitive-heuristic approach to translation. The authors analyze the concepts
of causality, causal situation, the term “causative construction” and the structure thereof. The concept of
the causative verb is discussed and different kinds of causative verbs are identified. The paper presents a
critical analysis of the traditional approach to the problem of translating causative constructions within
the framework of the linguistic theory of translation and identifies the limitations of the approach. At the
next stage, the cognitive- heuristic model of translation is described and its three main component parts
explored, including the cognitive search, concept recombination and the search for the translation
language means of verbalizing meaning with auto-correction. Using the psycholinguistic method of
introspection and examples from English texts containing various causative constructions, the author
vividly demonstrates the possibilities of using the three kinds of mental operations discussed above in the
solution of translation problems at different stages of the translation process. Special attention is paid to
the role of the cognitive context. The paper identifies the most interesting regularities observed in the
translation of English causative constructions into Ukrainian, among them the change of the causal
image scheme into an action-consequence scheme and the possibility of verbalizing causal action and its
consequence by means of one lexical unit. The general conclusion is made that by using all the three
mental operations along with a monolingual dictionary of the English language and drawing on various
kinds of knowledge including first of all background knowledge and the knowledge of context one can
successfully translate causative constructions of different kinds in the cognitive context.

Article Details



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