
Р. О. Христіанінова


Methods: analysis of the scientific works in linguistics and cultural studies which are dedicated to problem under consideration – to outline the theoretical background of the study; contextual analysis – to reveal the connotation of formed names of the enemy country in the context; interpretation method – for content clarification of the lexemes of names; descriptive method – for systematization and classification of the studied linguistic material.
Results. It has been discovered that the core of the concept “Russia” represents its conceptual component, which can be defined as follows: Russia is a large, both in terms of size and population, multinational transcontinental state in Eastern Europe and North Asia; in terms of economic development, it belongs to developing countries; it has a large stockpile of mass destruction weapons; it pursues an aggressive policy towards other countries; it is a terrorist state and sponsor of terrorism.
Through the semantic analysis of the newly formed names of the enemy country, which are used by Ukrainians nowadays, a complex of features, that form the interpretive field of the concept “Russia” in the Ukrainians’ language picture of the world, was identified: 1) russia is a country that deserves only contemptuous treatment; 2) russia does not correspond to the modern understanding of the state as a social institution that ensures a dignified life for its citizens; 3) russia is a morally degrading country; 4) russia is a country where evil flourishes; 5) russia poses a threat to all humanity.
Originality. The concept of “Russia” in the Ukrainians’ language picture of the world during the large-scale war of 2022–2023 appears as negatively connoted, its interpretive field forms a complex of features represented by a significant number of newly formed lexemes to denote the enemy country, which convey the contemptuous attitude of Ukrainians towards it.
Conclusion. The Russia conceptual image in the Ukrainians’ language picture of the world is determined by following characteristics: an anti-democratic country that does not deserve respect, it does not correspond to the modern understanding of the state as a social institution, it morally degrades, it is the center of evil and poses a threat to the international order.


Біографія автора

Р. О. Христіанінова, Запорізький національний університет (Запоріжжя, Україна)

Доктор філологічних наук, професор,
завідувачка кафедри української мови,
Запорізький національний університет
(Запоріжжя, Україна)
e-mail: khrystianinova@gmail.com
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0045-1026


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