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Summary. Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of one of the units of expressive syntax – asyndeton, or incoherence, which until now was the object of study only in literary studies. The linguistic aspect of this concept is insufficiently covered. Therefore, there is a problem of studying the semantics, structure and functional features of asyndeton as a syntactic phenomenon, which determines the relevance of this topic.

The purpose of the article is to investigate asyndeton as a syntactic unit, to find out its features and to make a structural-semantic and functional-stylistic classification of this phenomenon.

Research methods. In the process of research the contextual-interpretive method was used as the main method, which made it possible to identify words, sentences and parts of the text with asyndeton, and also the method of functional analysis was used to determine the stylistic potential of the studied linguistic phenomenon in artistic poetic text.

Results. The analysis of the factual material made it possible to distinguish the following specific textual varieties of asyndeton: 1) asyndeton at the level of complex words and word combinations; 2) asyndeton in the sentence structure; 3) asyndeton in the structure of the text.

Asyndeton in the structure of complex words and word combinations is represented by six types: 1) non-synonymous combinations of words to denote one concept, each of which has its own meaning; 2) synonymous combinations of words belonging to one thematic group to denote one concept, but each of the components has its own meaning; 3) combinations of words that are in attributive semantic-syntactic relations; 4) complex words to denote one concept, in which the components belong to different thematic groups; 5) combinations of words with comparative semantics, in which the adverbial component clarifies the meaning of the concept; 6) words that are in hypero-hyponymic relations with explanatory semantic-syntactic relations.

Noun, adjective, adverbial and verb asyndeton are distinguished by part-of-speech affiliation.

At the sentence level, asyndeton is represented by unconnected structures with connecting, comparative, temporal and consequential CERs, other semantic relations are possible, but they are not analyzed in the article.

The scientific novelty of the work lies in the analysis of asyndeton as a linguistic phenomenon that determines the identity of the Ukrainian language, its huge stylistic potential and expressive color.

Conclusions. As a unit of expressive syntax, asindeton creates completely new stylistically constructions, expresses reinforcements, refinements, which gives grounds to consider it a highly artistic stylistic phenomenon.

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