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Introduction. The name of bread products is one of the components of the spiritual culture of the people, where the traditional and the innovative are intertwined. Depending on the linguistic and ethnographic zones, ritual pastries differed in ingredients, preparation features, and purposes. The research of the names of ritual bread and the formal and semantic connections between its varieties, the areas where these nominative units are used, become material for establishing interzonal parallels which are not only Ukrainian but also all-Slavic. The results will be useful for historians of the language or researchers of its modern state.
The purpose. The article aims to study the vocabulary for Easter bread and its elements in Middle Dnieper dialects. Its purpose is to analyse the semantic structure of the analysed nouns in different zones of the Middle Dnieper dialect, and to investigate the dynamics of attested nominative units and their functional activity in the study area.
The methods. The work uses a descriptive method (systematization and interpretation of the lexical material), a comparative method (identification of common and different lexical systems of various zones of the Middle Dnieper speech), a lingua geographical method (study of the spatial behaviour of the investigated linguistic units).
Results. The inter-thematic connections of the analysed names, especially the thematic group of the wedding vocabulary, are evident. Attention is drawn to the dynamics of the studied values in Middle Dnieper dialects. On the one hand, the boundaries between the names of different realities are unclear. On the other hand, the preservation of the traditional culture of the Middle Dnieper people in the names of Easter pastries is noted.
Originality. The names of Easter pastries in the Middle Dnieper dialects have been analysed for the first time in the scientific literature. The research was based on the material of various thematic connected texts, which made it possible to reveal the peculiarities of the functioning of the analysed linguistic units in the system.
Conclusion. Easter bread is called paska in the majority of Middle Dnieper dialects. The analysis of the names of Easter pastries in dialect texts represents sayings in which the name of Easter bread, regardless of the peculiarities of its preparation, is presented in the same way by the lexeme paska. In part of the range, the nomen paska denotes the only known type of traditional pastry. The words paska and babka denote types of Easter bread in transitive and mixed-transitive Middle Dnieper dialects. The lexical-semantic system preserves archaic linguistic features due to changes in the social, political, economic, and scientific spheres that affected the material culture of the dialect speakers.
Article Details
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