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Olga Konovalova


Introduction. The text under research has a double relevance, since the article “What the Ukrainian Armed Forses Need to Do to Win” is written by Erik Kramer and Paul Schneider in the online journalistic style, which is gaining popularity over time. Thus, in the process of its development it requires detailed investigation in the field. On the other hand, the actual content of the article under research is undoubtedly relevant today, as it makes us think about the current problems existing in the Ukrainian Armed Forces that hamper the counteroffensive. In particular, the research provided an opportunity to study the peculiarities of translating online journalistic texts on military and political topics as one of the modern branches of translation, as well as learn the impact of the developing global digital network on the journalistic style at large. We analyzed the concept of military discourse and its constituents, focusing on lexical and stylistic specificity of the article under research with regard to further study of the structural and linguistic features of military texts in terms of translation.
Purpose. The article aims at analyzing lexical and stylistic potential of the English online journalistic article on military and political topics chosen for the study and to propose optimal ways of preserving the specified array in the actual Ukrainian translation.
Methods. The article applies the contrastive method to establish the differences in form and content of the two-language comparative analysis, as well as descriptive method, and provide and explain the illustrative items.          Results. The paper proved, it is vitally important to preserve lexical and stylistic issues in translating online journalistic articles on military and political topics as they convey specific terminology and artistic connotations challenging even a qualified translator.                                                            Originality. The transformation processes are considered in a new perspective, that suggests a new approach to the problems of equivalence and adequate translation in the online journalistic context.
The research is supported with modern views on lingual and cognitive phenomena in the evolving communicative activity via the global functional and translating practices.
Conclusion. The online journalistic article by Erik Kramer and Paul Schneider “What the Ukrainian Armed Forced Need to Do to Win” is comprised of specific military vocabulary, among which an array of modern military terminology is important; the authors’ style varies from official to colloquial registers of speech; various artistic images are created with the help of vivid metaphors. That is why it was important to convey the entire spectrum of connotations in the target text in order to accurately
convey to the reader the turmoil of the events currently taking place in Ukraine, as well as with sharp accuracy to reflect the specificity of each problem hindering the victory of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the war.

Article Details

Author Biography

Olga Konovalova, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy (Cherkasy, Ukraine)

PhD in linguistics,
Senior lecturer of the Department of Translation,
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
(Cherkasy, Ukraine)


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