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Valeriy Kykot


Introduction. Each poem represents a complex macro-image structure that combines image systems of autosemantic (word images), synsemantic (elements of form) and subsemantic (implied sense – optional) levels which are mutually conditioned and interacting poem dimensions that need full value reconstruction in translation taking into consideration their hierarchy and other relations within the macroimage and broader contexts.
The purpose. This paper sets out to provide identification and depiction of subsemantic level as the third image dimension of poem macro-image structure relevant for poem interpretation, pre-translating analysis, translation and assessment of its quality; to devise macro-image method of original poetry and its translation analysis; to introduce and substantiate subsemantic image notion; to treat a poem as macro-image structural formation consisting of image systems which adequate rendering reflects unity of original poem content and form in translation; to qualify a poem implied sense as constituent feature of its macro-image structure compulsory for translation.
The methods. The newly devised method of poetic work and its translation analysis by means of its macro-image scheme has been applied in this study. It involves comparison of the original and translation texts at the level of autosemantic, synsemantic and subsemantic images and, in particular, original text analysis to identify linguistic implied sense markers for its decoding and reproduction in translation.
Main results of the study. Poetic implied sense is revealed and interpreted both within one supra-phrasal unit and in correlation of several contact and distant supra-phrasal units but more frequently on the level of the whole text. Implied sense is presented in poetic text by markers by means of which it is revealed and reconstructed in translation. Poetic implied sense can be intentional and occasional and the both types of implied sense are to be reconstructed in translation. Sometimes poetic implied sense presents an additional poem content but it is more frequent that it presents the main concept of the poem. At the same time it is a special type of image: implied sense image.
Implied sense image is an image that is constructed on semantic and composition levels. The translation theory principle of synthesized analysis providing macro-image approach to a poem study enables to distinguish implied sense image as macro-image component – subsemantic image.
Subsemantic image is a type of image that is formed within a poem general macro-image structure on its implied sense level. Both autosemantic and synsemantic images can serve as expression form of subsemantic image.
If available in a poem subsemantic image expresses primarily its major thought, profound idea of the poem and it becomes its central element and all the other elements are subordinate to it and thus for translators it is always an image dominant to be reproduced in translation in the first turn.
While rendering subsemantic image elements analysis has to be done in two aspects – compositional and structural. The primary goal in poem stylistic analysis is revealing certain correlation of individual (compositional) and general (structural) function in each element.
Text inner relation system exploration plays a significant role in implied sense rendering. This exploration consists of two processes: a process of text related elements repetition and a process of their retrospective correlation. Retrospection not only creates conditions for the system construction but also plays an important role in decoding and rendering all the scope of image information that the confronted units bring. The whole information scope is decoded and reconstructed in translation as a result of all repeated units analysis.
Subsemantic image has markers of its representation in poetical text that are conditioned by system linguistic potential of a language element, correlation of its denotative and connotative plans, syntagmatic environment, interaction of linear and superlinear text levels. Markers of subsemantic image are differentiated by lexical and composition-architectonic levels, that is they are dispersed on various text levels.                                                   Subsemantic image can be conceptual – making up major implied sense of the whole poem, local – expressing a single implied thought or thoughts of a poem, and simultaneous – implementing some other idea or ideas independent from the main idea of the verse, that is subsemantic image of a poem can exist in triple relationship to its first plan: to be a poem basic idea – conceptual subsemantic image; to be a poem additional idea – local subsemantic image; to be a poem parallel idea – simultaneous subsemantic image. If subsemantic image forms the main idea of a poem it obtains dominancy while poem rendering.
Among the most common ways of actualizing subsemantic images of a poetic work are the following: accumulation of connotations; mutual distribution of words and expressions in the text; interaction of images and associations; distant repetition; intentional attraction of attention; contrast; conflict; interchange (calling each other); semantic-associative net (semantic text organization); syntactic text organization; situation when a certain speaker or personage utterance hides the feeling of totally different content which is most frequently expressed in the form of association (contiguity, contrast, likeness) through double or metaphorical comparison, personification as a result of transferring anthropomorphic properties to the images of living or lifeless nature; stylistic methods namely an irony as a stylistic device; stylistic background.
A work of poetry that is characterized as one that contains subsemantic image has quite frequently more than one creation means of deep image information and that enables to speak of subsemantic image signals convergence that is a distinguishing feature of its ontological essence as text category. Subsemantic image signals convergence proves its textual nature and singles it out of the other means that form additional information (stylistic devices, connotation, ambiguity, implication, presupposition and other). The presence of several markers of subsemantic image in the text proves the intention of its creation by the author, makes its perception and decoding easier and makes its translation harder.
The analyzed poems attest that adequate reconstruction of subsemantic images in translation is often performed with the help of means that are functional analogs of the means of their creation in original text.
The degree of adequacy of subsemantic image translation stays in direct proportional relationship with the degree of quantitative and qualitative reproduction of implied sense markers available in original poetical text.
Originality of this paper is in the fact that poetic translation adequacy is deepened here on the basis of its implied sense dimension devising; the process of interpretation of implied sense image is analyzed as well as the influence of this process on the full value implied sense reconstruction in translation.
Conclusions and specific suggestions of the author. A new macro-image scheme of poetical work and its translation can be outlined by comprehending macroimage of poetical work as structure-system construction shaped by autosemantic, synsemantic and subsemantic image dimensions with their relationships within the integral poem structure as well as with the system of relations of micro images on each dimension level and outside it within the whole structure and all level images association bonds of the poem beyond its structure.
The macro-image analysis method provided by this work means developing macro-image structure of a poem that would represent common structure of original and translated poem with all its levels and systems of images these levels consist of in the whole complex of their relationship.
Macro-image structure-system scheme of poetical work would enable full value analysis of original poem and its adequate reconstruction in other language. Applying this scheme on the readymade translation would contribute to comprehensive analysis as far as translation adequacy is concerned.

Article Details

Author Biography

Valeriy Kykot, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy (Cherkasy, Ukraine)

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor at the
Department of Theory and Practice of Translation,                                                                                    Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy,
(Cherkasy, Ukraine)
e-mail: vkikot@yahoo.com
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6825-5454
Identifier Scopus-Author: 6504690486


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