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Liudmyla Petrenko
Valentyna Petrenko


Introduction. Dmytro Lazutkin is one of the most expressive poets nowadays. In his poems, all significant events of recent years in Ukraine are reflected and creatively reinterpreted, an important place among which is given to the Russian-Ukrainian war.
The article is devoted to the definition and description of conceptual and stylistic features of the lingualization of war in D. Lazutkin’s collection “Bookmark”.
Purpose. The purpose of the study is to determine the tangential conceptospheres and stylistic features of the representation of the WAR concept in the author’s linguistic and conceptual picture of the world. D. Lazutkin’s collection “Bookmark” (2022) served as the research material. Conceptual, structural-semantic, contextual analysis, interpretive and descriptive methods were used to implement the tasks.
Results. It was established that the concept of WAR in the analyzed collection is related to the conceptospheres of MENTALITY, the main components of which are RELIGION and TRADITIONS; INFORMATION that affects a person in the space of war; LIFESTYLE and EMOTIONS, which are human reactions to war.                                                                Originality. The relevance of the study is justified by the novelty of the collection, the acuteness of the problems raised in it, and the lack of research devoted to lingualization of war in the creative work of Dmytro Lazutkin. In the article the tangential conceptospheres and stylistic features of the representation of the concept of WAR in the language and conceptual picture of the author’s world are defined.
Conclusion. So, the concept of WAR in D. Lazutkin’s collection «Bookmark» intersects with the conceptospheres: MENTALITY, INFORMATION, LIFESTYLE, EMOTIONS. Verbalizing the idea of war, the author uses comparisons and metaphors, antitheses, combining documentary with artistic means of representation, often resorting to irony. The prospect of further research in this direction may be to identify the peculiarities of the interaction of the concept of WAR with other conceptospheres in the poetry of modern Ukrainian authors in order to determine the general features of the reinterpretation of this phenomenon and its linguistic expression.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Liudmyla Petrenko, TOV «STEM OSVITA» (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Candidate of Philological Sciences,
corrector in TOV «STEM OSVITA»
(Kharkiv, Ukraine)
ORCID: https ://

Valentyna Petrenko, Zinkiv Lyceum of Zinkiv city council, Poltava region (Zinkiv, Ukraine)

Teacher of Ukrainian, senior teacher,
Zinkiv Lyceum of Zinkiv city council, Poltava region
(Zinkiv, Ukraine)


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