Main Article Content

Valentyna Kalko
Mykola Kalko


Introduction. The article is devoted to consideration of main results of semantic and textual analysis of calls in the modern Ukrainian socio-political discourse. Forensic linguistic (semantic and textual) examination of speech to identify statements expressed as calls is one of the most relevant ones while pre-trial investigation and trial of criminal proceedings.
The purpose. The purpose of the article is to carry out a complex analysis the justification of armed aggression, the recognition of armed aggression as legitimate, the denial of armed aggression based on the material of the conflict-causing content of the period of the full-scale military invasion of the Russian Federation on the territory of Ukraine.                                                                                       The methods. The research was conducted on the basis of general scientific methods as well as on the basis of linguistics special methods and techniques, namely, using the method of observation, method of linguistic-stylistic analysis of a text, method of modeling, methods of semantic-syntactic and lexicalgrammatical analysis, etc. Communicative intention of the author of the research in general was established with the help of the discursive method and the method of intent-analysis.
Main results of the study. A semantic-textual study of the media message was carried out using the linguistic interpretation of specific texts. Semantic-textual research of conflicting texts included:
1) interpretation of lexemes by semantic analysis of their components; 2) establishing the objective content of statements by means of lexical-semantic and conceptual-content analysis, followed by establishing the semantic correlation of the content of the statement and lexical meaning; 3) determination of the actual content of the key words of the message through the application of the
contextual-interpretive method, which makes it possible to understand the conceptual content of the studied phenomena; 4) establishing key words, logical-grammatical connections within the speech act, means of inter-phrase communication in the text of the message to determine cause-and-effect relationships in the objective content of the message as an argument for the legality of armed aggression.
Originality. The expertise discourse analysis is the determination of those peculiarities in the selection and combination of language means that form the conflictogenicity of the text modus. Such a modus is formed with expression of dislike and hatred to another nation, affirming the idea of the exclusivity of one’s own nation, and encouraging aggressive actions, which are expressed by the impelling compositional forms of appeal, proclamation, instruction, advice, warning, demand, threat.
Each of the forms is characterized by its own configuration of ways and means.
Conclusions and specific suggestions of the author. Russian linguistic and cultural pattern holders demonstrate speech behavior in Ukraine that has been formed under the external ideology of governance and illustrates the destructive changes in the values of Ukrainian self-identity, which is a consequence of linguistic cognitive manipulation of the public opinion under the imposed information model of total Ukrainophobia.                                                                                            

Article Details

Author Biographies

Valentyna Kalko, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy (Cherkasy, Ukraine)

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the
Department of Ukrainian Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
(Cherkasy, Ukraine)
Identifier Scopus-Author: 57219247796

Mykola Kalko, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy (Cherkasy, Ukraine)

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the
Department of Ukrainian Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
(Cherkasy, Ukraine)
Identifier Scopus-Author: 5721923841


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