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Tetyana Shcherbyna


Introduction. The verbal presentation of the evaluation category reflects the linguistic picture of the world and its national specificity; therefore, it needs a final multi-aspect study and description.
War as a phenomenon of direct threat to the existence of a person affects all aspects of their activity and is reflected in the communicative process. In linguistic research, we witness the desire to understand the dynamics of the language and the possibility to “keep our finger on the pulse” of ways of modification and means of marking the current tragedy. In our opinion, the research and linguistic assessment of the so-called humiliation and pain that our long-suffering people experienced earlier are considered to be no less relevant and important. They will also highlight the connections between past and present events.
The purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the explicit and implicit language means of rational-logical, emotional and emotional-rational evaluation of the nomination of the object in dialectal texts about the war, to find out their functional activity in the dialects of Cherkasy, to investigate the typical and special implementation of the category of evaluation in the speech of the respondents.
The methods. The methodological basis of our article is the descriptive method (systematization and lexical-semantic analysis of evaluative names), elements of the method of component analysis (to determine the components of evaluative value), continuous sampling (to select materials from dialect texts).
Main results of the study. The study of the specifics of the representation of evaluation in coherent narratives from the dialects of Cherkasy proves that dialectal texts about war are a rich and diverse inventory of means and ways of expressing evaluation of phenomena and situations of categories. Dialect texts present both the mental conclusions of the story about the objectively inherent subject of the character’s speech (rational-logical assessment) and its subjective reaction to environmental phenomena (emotional assessment), which are implemented by explicit (verbal) and implicit (verbal and non-verbal) at the same time using the value expression.
Originality. In the implementation of the evaluation, the national worldview, worldview and worldview of the speaker are reflected in the dialect texts, which actualizes the need for a comprehensive analysis of the spontaneous coherent speech of native speakers. We draw attention to the sporadic representation of assessment categories throughout the Ukrainian dialect continuum. The evaluative characteristics of phenomena, events, objects in the recordings of connected speech of the respondents from the speech of Cherkasy region were also not presented in special studios, which is the relevance and novelty of our research.

Conclusions and specific suggestions of the author. A collection of dialogue texts about the war, recorded in the dialects of Cherkasy region, organically combines various methods and means of expressing evaluation categories. Explicit means of evaluative characteristics in connected stories are represented at the lexical level (metaphors and similes), morphological (mainly adverbs and verbs), word-forming (emotional evaluation suffixes), partial syntactic (word repetitions). The most obvious assessment of phenomena or events is presented in texts of a binary structure and expressed by the oppositions then : now, was : has become.
Explicit assessment in dialect narratives appears in close interaction with implicit assessment, which, in addition to verbal means, is realized by syntactic and stylistic phenomena. Implicit evaluation is related to the subtext, the veiled semantics of the statement and one of the ways to represent it is the opposition ‘friend or foe’.
The perspective of further research can be seen in the comparative analysis of the means of expression of evaluation categories in modern dialect texts about war.


Article Details

Author Biography

Tetyana Shcherbyna, Черкаський національний університет імені Богдана Хмельницького

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate professor of the Department of Ukrainian Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
(Cherkasy, Ukraine)
e-mail: Tanya_Bevz@i.ua
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-0008-5983


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