Main Article Content

Valentyna Bohatko


Introduction. The article emphasizes that connective constructions are uniform in structure across all speech styles. It is clarified that these sentences differ only in the degree of their use of structural types in various styles. It is noted that they are most characteristic of the artistic style.
Despite a thorough study of connective structures in different stylistic varieties, there is currently no specialized research dedicated to investigating connective constructions in the language of modern Ukrainian prose works for children, studying the stylistic potential of such structures. This underscores the relevance of the proposed article.
The purpose. The goal of the article was to clarify the semantic structure and stylistic functions of connective sentences in the language of contemporary Ukrainian prose for children.
To achieve this goal, the article illuminates the concept of connective linkage in the views of Ukrainian scholars; analyzes, using illustrative material, the structural and semantic features of connective structures; highlights the peculiarities of their structural renewal, functional-stylistic
possibilities; identifies the most commonly used types of connective constructions in the language of modern Ukrainian prose, considering the means of connection between main and connective sentences.
Results. Various current approaches in Ukrainian linguistics to interpreting the term “joining” have been analyzed. It has been demonstrated that “joining” is a type of syntactic connection based on the relationship of semantic-grammatical independence of the main predicative part and the semantic and grammatical inclination towards it of the connecting part.
It has been established that the use of connective sentences in fictional texts is associated with the particular relevance, for the speaker, of certain characteristics of the subject or predicate of the main sentence, their significance for the development of the narrative, and the characterization of a specific character.
It is clarified that connective sentences are organic primarily for oral speech, and their use in written text gives the narrative a distinctive tone.
It is traced that a connective sentence emerges in the speaker’s consciousness during the pronunciation of the base sentence or after it. The connective sentence forms a semantic unity with the base, having a distinct intonation. However, in written speech, the appearance of a connective construction is not spontaneous or random but is determined by the author’s communicative purpose.
Attention is drawn to the main means of connection between the connective sentence and the main one, as well as the genre-stylistic and communicative-pragmatic factors influencing the choice of the connective construction.
The most commonly used types of the mentioned constructions, characterized by specific formalsyntactic and semantic-syntactic organization, have been identified. Using specific illustrative material, connective sentences of attributive, objective, and adverbial semantics in the language of contemporary fictional prose for children have been analyzed. The frequency of their use by writers in fictional texts has been determined. It is proven that in the language of prose works for children, connective constructions give the speech a specific intonational pattern characterized by fragmentary structure and variations in sound intensity.
The specificity of creating an expressive effect through connective sentences in the language of prose works for children has been determined.
Originality. For the first time, connective structures of attributive, objective, and adverbial semantics have been described based on the material of fictional prose for children.
Conclusions. It has been found that the source of connective structures with attributive, objective, and adverbial semantics is spoken language. Such structures belong to units of expressive syntax and serve as a stylistic device to express various expressive-stylistic nuances.
It is noted that among the mentioned types of connective sentences, writers quite productively use structures with attributive and adverbial semantics, while sentences with objective semantics are used less frequently.

Article Details

Author Biography

Valentyna Bohatko, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University (Vinnytsia, Ukraine)

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian language, Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University
(Vinnytsia, Ukraine)


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