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Tetyana Kosmeda


Introduction. In the focus of modern linguistics, the phenomenon of borrowing attracts attention precisely from the point of view of pragmalinguistics. Borrowings from the Russian language during the period of the Russian-Ukrainian war serve to model the Ukrainian discourse of countering Russian aggression due to the creativity of Ukrainians.
Purpose of the scientific study is to reveal the peculiarity of the functioning of Russianisms in modern Ukrainian discourse and to demonstrate the creativity of Ukrainians regarding the ways of their borrowing during the period of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the specifics of verbal resistance, the modelling of the language game to reveal the Russian fake, as well as the verbalization of negative pragmatics.
Results. Borrowings from the Russian language were studied taking into account the methodological postulates of (1) linguistic philosophy: it is about the verbalization of the presenters of the special category within the opposition between own and foreign, the perception of Russian reality through the prism of the Ukrainian mentality and (2) pragmalinguistics, since the category of evaluation is directly related to psychophysiological organization of a person, and motivated by emotional, cognitive, expressive, volitional and other intentions. Evaluation is one of the specific manifestations of the subjective, in particular, subjective-national nature of language, therefore, creating individual words and meanings, their producer experiences relevant events, evaluates facts, expressing them through the prism of consciousness, emotions, and feelings. The discursive actualization of Russianisms during the period of the Ukrainian-Russian war is based on the linguistic philosophy of Ukrainians regarding the attitude to borrowings from the language of the enemy, the modelling of corresponding negatively marked semantic-pragmatic senses and meanings as manifestations of verbal resistance.
Originality. The lexical-semantic types of the latest borrowings from the Russian language during the period of the Russian-Ukrainian war were generalized, actualized discursive meanings and ways of word formation were singled out and characterized, the peculiarity of modelling the semantics and pragmatics of the negative were described.
Conclusion. Russianisms of the Ukrainian language during the period of the Russian-Ukrainian war function as vulgarisms, with the help of which a satirical effect and an ironic tonality are created, a system of lexical-semantic innovations is modelled for the verbalization of a negative evaluation, the feeling of being “alien”, aggressive, unacceptable for the linguistic consciousness of Ukrainians intensifies, which is carried out with the help of washing away the hostile manner of speech with the use of accent stylization and the active use of barbarisms. It was found that Russianisms belong to the reference words of the discourse of the era, and contain powerful pragmatic information that acquires subjective and national significance. They are a means of creating an ideological discursive connotation with the actualization of verbalizers of the category of evaluation, which is accompanied by expression, a manifestation of powerful emotionality. We trace the use of agglutination: the combination of several Russian words, slogans, verbal formulas, and appeals in one word. Innovations appear based on the actualization of the phenomenon of precedent. Lexical-semantic and graphic transformation of Russianisms is among the arsenal of means of creating a language game. Borrowings acquire ideological semantic transformations: the negative semantics of borrowing can be transformed into a positive one with the actualization of nationally marked meanings. The creation of z-words, presenting the technique of graphohybridization, designed to model a wide system of orthographic or graphic variants of writing words with an ideological meaning that intensifies the manifestation of an ironic-sarcastic tonality to the enemy ideology, is traced. 

Article Details

Author Biography

Tetyana Kosmeda, Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University (Vinnytsia, Ukraine)

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor of the Department of Romance and German Philology and World Literature,
Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
(Vinnytsia, Ukraine)
Identifier Scopus-Author: 57218660867


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