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Galyna Kocherga


The article highlights separate word-formation and onomasiological aspects of the suffixal motivation of distinctive verbal units in the East Slavic written records of the XIV–XVII centuries. The motivational mechanism of the suffixal word-formation of the denominative derivatives in the East Slavic written records of the XIV–XVII centuries is detailed. Compilations of the semantic-semiotic markers of
the suffixal word-formation of the denominative verbs modify the deep processes of historical derivation in their connection with the categorical structure of thinking within the integrity of thought-speech activity as a special specific manifestation of communicative activity. The word formation and onomasiological mechanism of creation of the denominative verbs in written monuments of the XIV–XVII centuries is a verbal and grammaticalized designation of the predicate position of the concept based on the selection of one of the substantive components of the sentence or its associate, highlighted in a certain cognitive structure of the situation through internal programming in view of the structure of consciousness of the speakers of the language picture of the world. It is proved that the study of the historical suffix word-formation in the linguistic denominative segment in the context of the theory of
nomination is based on the fact that the formation of a nominative unit by indexed semantics and wordformation structure is preceded by a mental, conceptual modification of the object of nomination.

Article Details

Author Biography

Galyna Kocherga, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy (Cherkasy, Ukraine)

Candidate of Philology,
Associate Professor of the Department of Ukrainian Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
(Cherkasy, Ukraine)
e-mail: kocherga_galina@ukr.net
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1000-3427


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