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István Csernicskó
Anita Márku


Introduction. The lexical borrowing is the most obvious consequence of language interactions and bilingualism. The Hungarian language area belongs to eight different states. It is natural and necessary that many loanwords are used in the varieties of the Hungarian language outside of
Purpose. This paper gives a foretaste of the Transcarpathian material of the Termini HungarianHungarian online dictionary, showing how close correlations can be seen between social and political
changes occurring in Hungarian-speaking regions outside Hungary and the extension of the material of that online dictionary. The analysis points out that the varieties of Hungarian in the surrounding countries necessarily exhibit divergent developments in an intimate relationship with the social, political, economic, and cultural state of affairs observable in the individual countries.
Results. As of the end of September 2022, the dictionary database contained 5,356 dictionary entries (words). Since this online loanword list contains direct borrowings from many languages of the Carpathian Basin that are in contact with Hungarian (mostly from the official or state languages of Hungary’s neighboring countries, including Slovak, Ukrainian, Romanian, Serbian, Croatian, Slovenian, and German), the database is a rich source for the study of contacts between Hungarian and IndoEuropean languages.
The Termini Hungarian-Hungarian dictionary provides excellent support for the fact that after the formation of administrative borders, they begin to influence the language varieties spoken within and on the other side of the border.
Boundaries define the social networks of language speakers. Relations within the border are strengthened, cross-border relations encounter obstacles. Thus, state borders have a dual nature, as they bring about convergence and divergence at the same time. The varieties spoken within the border begin to approach each other and develop towards equalization, while the varieties spoken on the other side of the border begin to develop separately and may even eventually turn into a new language.
Conclusion. The online dictionary database creates great opportunities for researching linguistic interactions and word borrowing. This online dictionary can be particularly useful when studying interactions between the Hungarian and Slavic languages.

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Author Biographies

István Csernicskó, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education and University of Pannonia (Berehove, Ukraine)

Doctor of Linguistics,
Professor of the Department of Philology at Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of
Higher Education and University of Pannonia
(Berehove, Ukraine)

Anita Márku, Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of Higher Education (Berehove, Ukraine)

PhD, Associated Professor of Linguistics,
Docent of Eszterházy Károly Catholic University and ELKH Research Institute for Linguistics
(Budapest, Hungary) and of the Department of Philology at Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College of
Higher Education (Berehove, Ukraine)


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