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Serhii Prytula


Introduction. Motion picture is the form of visual art and entertainment that can influence society by drawing attention to important issues. Films can also unite, inspire and educate people. Watching movies is one of the most popular forms of entertainment that helps viewers to relax, spend time with friends and family, escape from reality or experience new emotions. The Ukrainian State Film Agency plays an important role in the creation and development of Ukrainian cinematography. Thanks to the initiatives of the
Ukrainian State Film Agency, filmmakers have all the resources they need to create high-quality films that
improve the cultural heritage of our country.
The quality of a film is an important component of its success and popularity, but casting, teaser, trailer, advertising campaign and title play a significant role in its success. The title plays an initial role in the success of a movie, as information about the title usually appears before the first teasers and trailers, and before the information about the cast or plot. The main task of the title is to interact with the potential audience to draw attention to the upcoming movie.
The purpose. The proposed study is driven by the need to analyze the movie titles created with the support of the Ukrainian State Film Agency in order to identify optimal strategies for their creation to popularize Ukrainian cinematography abroad.
The methods. Componential analysis, semantic structure analysis, descriptive method, content analysis, and quantitative analysis.
Main results of the study. The article is devoted to the study of titles of Ukrainian films produced in 2018–2022 with the support of the Ukrainian State Film Agency. A total of 59 movie titles were selected and analyzed. Considering their structure, we distinguished nominal and compound titles and identified six main ways of communicating of these titles with the potential audience. It’s been determined that the formation of expectations, intriguing and tuning into certain emotions, and building brand awareness are essential communication factors. The disclosure of film's plot, information about the characters and intercultural
connections (references to books, other films, or phenomena) are important components of film titles, which
helps to draw attention to the upcoming film and helps to form the target audience of the film.
Originality. The study of titles of modern Ukrainian films (created with the support of the Ukrainian State Film Agency) became the subject of linguistic research for the first time. The study of these titles helped to identify different ways of communicating film titles with the audience, as well as the structural features of these titles.
Conclusions and specific suggestions of the author. Titles play a key role in the creation of a movie.
They interact with the viewer, form expectations about the upcoming film, intrigue, set the tone and initial emotions, create brand awareness, as well as reveal the plot, inform about the main characters of the film and demonstrate cross-cultural connections between literary works, mythology, historical events, etc. These connections are formed in both nominal and compound titles with the help of onym-based and appellativebased titles, structural relationships between the elements of the title, and a special construction – the nominative of concept.

Article Details

Author Biography

Serhii Prytula, Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Graduate Student of the Department of Ukrainian Language,
Borys Hrinchenko Kyiv University (Kyiv, Ukraine)
e-mail: s.prytula.asp@kubg.edu.ua
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0002-7481-5600


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