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Myroslava Bahan
Valentyna Zaskaleta


Introduction. This article presents the cross-linguistic study of the cognitive and communicative-pragmatic features of the metaphors that convey the negative meaning in modern Ukrainian and Montenegrin media discourse. The relevance of the proposed article is due to the need for deepening ideas about the scope of the category of negation, as well as to determine the cognitive universals of the Slavic languages and to clarify their differences.
The purpose of the article is to compare the conceptual models of metaphors that implement negative content in modern Ukrainian and Montenegrin media discourses, and to find out their communicative and pragmatic load.
The methods. The investigation is grounded on the methods of comparative analysis, conceptual analysis, and contextual analysis.
Main results of the study. Some metaphors function as non-specialized, secondary, but effective expressions of negative content. They enrich media texts with emotional and evaluative nuances, help to obscure negative content or convey it more dramatically.
In both compared languages the main semantic types of negative metaphors are used mainly to describe the failure, hopelessness, inaction or improper functioning of certain institutions, the destruction of something, exposing false information or hiding it. The domain base of negative metaphors includes the names of phenomena, actions, less often – objects associated with some restrictions, damage, immobility and influence on the senses.
Originality. Research prospects are to identify patterns of negative meaning metaphorization in other languages to test their possible universality or variability.
Conclusions and specific suggestions of the author. The Ukrainian and Montenegrin languages are characterized by the same conceptual models of figurative expression of negative content. Minor differences concern only the volume and semantic nuances of metaphorical explicants of negative meaning. We see research perspectives in identifying patterns of metaphorization of negative meaning in other languages to test their possible universality or variability

Article Details

Author Biographies

Myroslava Bahan, Kyiv National Linguistic University (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor,
Head of theDepartment of Ukrainian Philology,
Kyiv National Linguistic University (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Valentyna Zaskaleta, Kyiv National Linguistic University (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor
of the Department of Ukrainian Philology,
Kyiv National Linguistic University (Kyiv, Ukraine)


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