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Igor Golovash


Introduction. The article considers some cross-cultural difficultiesoccurring at translating film titles (kynematonyms) from English into Ukrainian.
Now the film industry occupies one of the leading positions in mass culture. Every year, hundreds of feature films are released worldwide, the task of which is to broadcast the unique point of view of the author, his personal position, his own experiences regarding this or that social problem, to appeal to the feelings of the viewer and, undoubtedly, to choose certain benefits and benefits from the results of their work. Feature films are designed to entertain, enlighten and inspire the viewer. Foreign films give the audience the opportunity to learn something new about the people and culture of the countries involved in their production.
The purpose of this study is to determine the peculiarities of the functioning of the film title when translated into Ukrainian, taking into account the linguistic and cultural transformation and the specifics of intercultural communication.
The methods. The titles of English-language films of the late 20th and early 21st centuries served as research materials. The research methods are the methods of contextual and visual analysis, continuous sampling from the film portal KINO-TEATR.UA and other film platforms.
Main results of the study. In this article, we will consider lexical and grammatical transformations that serve as the most convenient and common way of linguistic and cultural translation of kynematonyms from English to Ukrainian. The investigated issue belongs to a wider range of linguistic and cultural problems related to the transformation of language units expressing culturally significant conceptual content and the variation of their interpretation depending on linguistic and intercultural factors.
In the theory of language, the title is considered as a type of written text, characterized by brevity. In our opinion, the title particularly clearly illustrates the multiplicity of interpretations, according to the semantic meaning
of the words included in the semantic structure. The translation of a film title performs the same function as the title of a written text, for example a book or a newspaper or magazine article, and for this reason represents a very
difficult task for the translator: the title must simultaneously convey the idea of the creators of the film, be bright, concise and such that memorable, perform an advertising function, give an idea of the genre of the film and its content, correspond to the target audience. Thus, the choice of the translation strategy of the film title is determined by the following linguistic and cultural factors: 1) taking into account the target audience of the film, first of all, the peculiarities of its national mentality; 2) the need to perform an advertising function: the translator must do
everything possible to attract the attention of the viewer even before watching the film.
The originality of this article is the introduction of the mistranslation concept. This is a very important part
of the research, which is related to the linguistic and cultural transformation. Besides in this study, only feature
films are analyzed, therefore the author of the study proposes a new term “kynematonym”, which shows that we are talking about a narrowly specific study, and not about the study of all types of films.
Conclusions and specific suggestions of the author. The conducted analysis showed that the following strategies are used when translating English synonyms into Ukrainian: direct translation of the name, transformation of the name, and replacement. The choice of strategy depends on the original title of the film, the linguistic and cultural load, the genre of the film, the target audience, the advertising and
marketing function, as well as cross-cultural strategies. It was also found that the translations of the kynematonyms into the Ukrainian language had a wrong translation, since the translated titles did not correspond to the content, idea and genre of the film.
There is a perspective of the research in the further study of this topic, in particular, we will turn our attention to the translation of the titles of movies of a certain genre.

Article Details

Author Biography

Igor Golovash, Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University (Kharkiv, Ukraine)

Senior Lecturer at the Foreign Languages
Department of Ivan Kozhedub Kharkiv National Air Force University
(Kharkiv, Ukraine)
e-mail: grafart28@gmail.com
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4849-3321


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KINO-TEATR.UA. URL : https://kino-teatr.ua/uk/.