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Valeriy Kykot


Introduction. To date, translation studies does not yet have a coherent theory of poem translation, which would comprehensively substantiate the specificity of poetic translation due to the multifaceted semantic nature of poetry. Modern linguistic translation theory needs more understanding methodology, which allows to bring together both theory and practice of translation, as well as fundamentally different approaches to translation activity. Poetry scholars consider the translation of poetic works from different angles, but they agree on the need to take into account during translation the entire range of components that ensure the harmonious integrity of poetry as a separate type of literature. At the same time, researchers recognize that the issue of adequate reproduction of the imagery of a poetic work, the limits of the translator's individual freedom, permissible deviations from the text of the original work, and the argumentation of these deviations form a circle of problems that require an urgent solution.
The purpose. This paper is intended to provide identification and depiction of autosemantic and synsemantic levels as the first and the second image dimensions of a poem macro-image structure relevant
for poem interpretation, pre-translating analysis, translation and assessment of its quality.
The methods. The complex nature of poetry caused the need to apply a set of methods and techniques of analysis, in particular, structural and systemic analysis of a piece of poetry and its translation, including semantic, stylistic, rhythmic-intonation, logical-syntactic and other types of analysis (for the study of poem images, their structure, functions and interaction within the macro-image structure of a poem text); idea and image analysis (to find out the embodiment of the author’s figurative idea in the text of a poem); descriptive and explanatory with elements of semantic and stylistic analysis and the use of formalized schemes (for devising analysis and translation scheme of the autosemantic and synsemantic image levels of a poetic
work); definitive method (for qualifying types of images and their varieties); contextual analysis (for the study of figurative semantics within different contexts); the method of differential analysis (for the selection of integral and differential features of images in source and target linguistic cultures); component analysis (to study the semantics of poetic images in order to find out the adequacy of their translation).
Main results of the study. A poem forms complex macro-image structure that combines image systems of autosemantic, synsemantic and subsemantic levels which are mutually conditioned and interacting poem dimensions needing full value reconstruction in translation taking into consideration their hierarchy and other relations within the macro-image and broader contexts.                                        Poetical translation is the process and result of macro-image reconstruction of foreign verse by means of target language and by way of preserving all the levels of its image structure including their mutual dependence, dominancy and associative bonds within and beyond this structure.
The process of poetical translation is a multilevel reconstruction of macro-structural actualization of
autosemantic, synsemantic and subsemantic images systems which adequate rendering reflects the harmony
of the original content and form.
A new macro-image scheme of poetical work and its translation can be outlined by comprehending
macroimage of poetical work as structure-system construction shaped by autosemantic, synsemantic and
subsemantic image dimensions with their relationships within the integral poem structure as well as with the
system of relations of micro images on each dimension level and outside it within the whole structure and all
level images association bonds of the poem beyond its structure.
Originality of the research lies in the fact that for the first time 1) the scheme of the structure of the autosemantic and synsemantic levels of a poetic work, relevant for its interpretation, pre-translational analysis and translation are identified and described; 2) a poetic work is interpreted as a macro-image structural formation consisting of systems of autosemantic, synsemantic and subsemantic images, the adequate reproduction of which reflects the unity of the content and form of the original work in translation; 3) the concept of the the autosemantic and synsemantic image levels of a poetic work as the components of its macro-image structure, which are subject to mandatory reproduction in translation, and some other concepts relevant to the reproduction of its components in translation are introduced and substantiated.
Conclusions and specific suggestions of the author. To achieve an adequate translation a poem should be treated as macro-image structural formation consisting of image systems which adequate rendering reflects unity of original poem content and form in translation.
Such comprehension of a poem macroimage would help not only to achieve translation equivalency but also to reveal shortcomings in readymade poetic translation in the course of its analysis and editing.

Article Details

Author Biography

Valeriy Kykot, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy (Cherkasy, Ukraine)

Doctor of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory
and Practice of Translation, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
(Cherkasy, Ukraine)
e-mail: vkikot@yahoo.com
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6825-5454
Scopus-Author: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=6504690486


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