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Tetyana Moroz


Introduction. The article presents the complex linguistic analysis of the Cossack’s sociolect
units used in P. Kulish and I. Polyui’s Ukrainian translation of the Holy Scriptures, along with their
representation in B. Grinchenko’s Ukrainian language dictionary. Herein lies the relevance of the research
which will serve as the basis for the futher generalizing works on history of the lexicographical
authentication and functioning of such lexemes in the literary language of the second half of XIX – early XX century.
The list of sources is known to be used by Grinchenko at the conclusion of the Dictionary includes
some examples of P. Kulish’s tranlation practice, in particular: the New Testament of the Holy Scriptures
(1880), «Books of Job» (1869), the first five books of the Holy Scriptures’ Old Testament and the New
Testament (1869). This fact confims securing high style vocabulary in Ukrainian lexicography in the early
XX century. It is worth emphasizing that B. Grinchenko also brought in the original writer’s works to the list
of sources, since there were extremely successful combining folk material with traditions of the old book
language in their content.
The purpose. The main objective of the research is to analize the representation of the Cossack’s
sociolect units in P. Kulish and I. Polyui’s Ukrainian translation of the Bible and illustrative contexts to the
mentioned lexemes in B.Grynchenko’s Ukrainian language dictionary. The material for the research are old
Cossack’s sociolect units compiled from different thematic groups, in particular: names of Cossack’s
chieftains: hetman, osavul, starshyna, sotnik, tysiachnyk; names of military units: kish; names of military
attributes and symbols of power: kleinod; weapons’ names: sagaidak, tarcha, shchyt; names of fabrics:
blavat, karmazin.
The methods. Description and comparative methods of the research are mostly applied when
analyzing these lexemes.
Maine results of the study. The main conclusions of the research lie in the fact that Cossack’s
sociolect units which were used in the Ukrainian translation of the Bible’s books are presented in
Grinchenko’s dictionary with illustrative contexts both in translated and original Kulish’s works. It states
their broad representation in the Dictionary’s source base and proves P. Kulish and B. Grinchenko’s
important role in preserving of the Cossack’s sociolect units along with their representation in the literary
language of the second half of XIX – early XX century and Ukrainian lexicography at the beginning of XX
Originality. The scientific novelty of the research’s obtained results lies in implementing of the
comprehensive study on the representation of the Cossack’s sociolect in P. Kulish–I. Polyui’s Ukrainian
translation of the Holy Scipture, as well as theirs processing among the various lexicographical sources in
B. Grinchenko’s “Ukrainian language dictionary”.
Conclusions and specific suggestions of the author. The conducted research has shown the relevance
of historical and literary specialized or elected courses on studying Cossack’s era in the history of Ukraine
and lexicographical representation of Cossack’s sociolect units. This could lay the foundation for the
comprehensive historical and philological edition. The Cossack’s sociolect dictionary with illustrative
contexts both P. Kulish’s original heritage and other Ukrainian authors, specializing in the respective
sphere, is expected to have a great practical value. This too seems to be crucial, since after Grinchenko’s
Dictionary such practice, unfortunately, didn’t find its continuation.

Article Details

Author Biography

Tetyana Moroz, Chernivtsi In-Service Teacher Training Institute of Education (Chernivtsi, Ukraine)

PhD in Philology,
Associated Proffesor of the department of Social and Humanities Chernivtsi
In-Service Teacher Training Institute of Education
(Chernivtsi, Ukraine)


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