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Abstract. Introduction. Over the course of the years, the attention of the researchers have been
attracted to the concept of “game”, its place in human activity, as well as the position of language games
and linguistic and creative word-formation. In the context of these studies, much attention is paid to the
development and study of such an important and multifaceted phenomenon as a language game, the
functioning of which in the language is closely linked with the linguistic and extra linguistic
characteristics of the speaker and the parameters of the communicative situation.
The purpose of the article is to describe the phenomenon of language play as one of the expressive
methods of creating аnti-proverbs, which is a marker of anthropocentrism of language, a manifestation of
linguistic creativity, communicative and pragmatic potential of language signs.
Results. The language game is comprehensively presented and characterized as a complex
multidimensional linguistic phenomenon endowed with special semantic and linguistic and cultural
characteristics. Аnti-proverbs are treated as such, in the form of games are relevant to modern society
realities, especially the problem of government, personal choice, formation civil society, interpersonal
relationships, and so on. The precedent statements are identified that illustrate the wide variety of
authors’ experiment with language material.
Originality. The language game is classified in terms of the semiotic approach. The language game
with semantic mechanism and the language game with syntactic one were distinguished. At the same time,
pragmatics can be found in both semantic and syntactic types of the language game. Using the language
game as a creative, non-standard use of a classic proverb, the author seems to create a multilevel text,
enhances genre and stylistic syncretism, forms additional content aimed at the addresse’'s interpretive
ability to actualize several meanings.
Conclusions. The use of anti-proverbs in the text contributes to the expression of the material,
strengthening its influence, persuasiveness, argumentation, suggestiveness. Language play as a means of
generating аnti-proverbs is a product of linguvo-creative thinking as an individual’s ability to creatively
transform language material. It realizes a specific communicative goal due to a programmed violation of
a typical language scheme and a conscious deviation from the language norm

Article Details



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