Main Article Content
Аbstract. Introduction. Although the process of creating Zaporozhian surnames was spontaneous
and in each case depended on different circumstances, and yet the real reasons for their appearance
should be sought primarily in certain traits of character, behaviour, appearance or details of his
biography. Therefore, the original, distinctive Zaporozhian “nicknames” often expressed a certain
personalized emotional assessment.
The perpose of the article is to characterize the expressive potential of the anthroponymic system
of the Zaporozhian Cossacks in the middle of the XVIII century. The author set the task to identify the
corpus of expressive personal names, to carry out its lexical and semantic structuring, to consider ways
of expressing evaluation and creating expression, as well as to find out the motives of the nomination.
Results. On the pages of the register more 3960 expressive names were found, in the stems of
which the characteristic signs of the behaviour and individual’s inner world were recorded. Their
bearers are more 11470 persons, which is more 76,5 % of the total number of registered. At the same
time, all appellative-anthroponymic and the vast majority of anthroponymic names were connotatively
marked. In the last classification group, more than 330 formations are neutral. But among the appellative
“nicknames” obvious connotation of emotionality or evaluation is characteristic of only 81 units. The
lexical-semantic method (over 3230 anthropolexems) was the main one in the formation of expressive
potential. Compared with it, morphological and morphological-syntactic methods look unproductive
(more 473 and 220 units, respectively). According to the motives of the nomination, the vast majority of
Zaporozhian surnames belonged to the humorous ones. The use of humorous-pejorative and abusivepejorative names was not widespread in the Sich society, and shameful “nicknames” were assigned to
him very rarely (20 units).
Originality. For the first time the classification of expressive “nicknames” by semantic, structural
and in general by motivational parameters was performed.
Conclusions. The anthroponymic system of the Zaporozhian Cossacks in the XVIII century had a
powerful expressive potential, which is skillfully used by members of the military team to characterize the
so-called. In the future, the problems of typology of lexical expressiveness and informal indicators of
expressiveness of anthropolexes of the register should be developed.
Article Details
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