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Introduction. The urgency is due to the need to study the phraseology of the diary
discourse of the Ukrainian language of the 18th century, as these monuments to clarify the formation of
the phraseological fund of the Ukrainian language did not involve.
Purpose. The purpose of the article is to historical-etymological and semantic-structural analysis
of phraseology за рукою, recorded in the diary discourse of the Ukrainian language of the first half of
the 18th century.
Methods. To clarify the linguistic features of the analyzed phraseology, we used descriptive,
comparative-historical methods, as well as the method of contextual and discourse analysis.
Results. The formation of phraseology is motivated by a metaphorical shift in the noun рука, which
has undergone contextual semantic transformations and began to be used in the field of office work to
denote the result of the action – the signature. The functioning of the synonymous pair рука –
подписание / подписанье ʻsignature’ in the Russian language affected the formation of minimal
phraseology за рукою due to the lexical substitution of the noun component in the borrowed construction
za podpisem. The geography of Ukrainian monuments and the contextual environment give grounds to
assert the influence of the Russian language on the spread of the prepositional-noun construction in
Ukrainian. The study of the peculiarities of Ukrainian-Polish, Ukrainian-Russian, Russian-Polish
contacts at the level of literary languages contributed to the correct interpretation of the direction of
getting the minimum phraseology into the Ukrainian language.
Originality. For the first time in Ukrainian studies, the article analyzes the formation and ways of
penetration into the Ukrainian language of phraseology за рукою, identifies its specificity for business
documents and the ability to function in different styles.
Conclusion. The main provisions concerning the study of the intersection of the traditional
business style with the new diary at the phraseological level will allow the correct interpretation of the
language practice of Ukrainians in the 18th century taking into account interlingual communication. We
see the research prospects in the analisis of phraseology of monuments of diary discourse, which will
allow us to trace the features of individual phrase formation in the all-Ukrainian phraseological context.

Article Details



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