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Vadym Molotskyi


Introduction. In modern Ukrainian language, complex compound verbal predicate has developed, combining several grammatical meanings into a single sentence element. However, it still lacks a unanimous interpretation in contemporary syntactic research.
Purpose. To clarify, elaborate and systematize information about complex compound verbal predicate in modern Ukrainian language.
Methods. The scientific analysis is based on a significant amount of linguistic material extracted from works of contemporary Ukrainian literature, primarily from fiction and journalism. The sentences presented in the study were obtained using the continuous sampling method. The main research method is structural-semantic description, within which the following techniques were used observation, interpretation, classification and systematization of linguistic phenomena, and transformation (rearrangement of sentence components, testing for a specific type of transformation).
Results. It has been established that complex compound verbal predicate appears in the typology of predicates as an element of the paradigm within a defined type. This form of predicate is formed by adding particles of various semantic natures to its structure, which provide additional meaning regarding the characterization of an action in terms of reality, irreality, or possibility, the speaker’s attitude towards it and its course, as well as through the combination of auxiliary (modal and phase, or several modal) components that represent the combination of corresponding meanings.
Originality. The grammatical means of complicating the compound verbal predicate have been inventoried, and the forms of implementation of auxiliary components in the examined predicate models have been outlined. Variations in their usage have been identified, and the types of meanings and the features of their expression in such predicates have been analyzed.
Conclusion. Complex compound verbal predicate should be considered within a defined type, as the complication occurs sequentially by adding modal particles, an auxiliary verb, or its equivalent to the structure of the main form. 

Article Details

Author Biography

Vadym Molotskyi, Zaporizhzhia National University (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine)

PhD Student, Ukrainian Language Department,
Zaporizhzhia National University
(Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine)


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