Main Article Content

Hanna Martynova


Introduction. The article regards problem of relations of language and ethnos in the period of war between Russia and Ukraine, distinguishing in Ukrainian lexical and lexical semantic systems certain changes happening in ethnic social milieu, both ethnic and lingual transformations being
presented and described in the period given.
The purpose. The purpose of the article is to present and regard transformations in Ukrainian social entity, lexical and lexical semantic changes in its language, that reveal evolution of Ukrainian ethnic conscience in Russia-Ukraine war.
The methods. The article applies common scientific methods of analysis and synthesis and those belonging to linguistic ones: descriptive, onomasiology, contextual methods.
Results. The investigation consequently resulted in witnessing evolution in Ukrainian national conscience as nation had been united due to common idea: unanimity motivated by national integrity and identity, clear perceiving of the enemy, ways of fighting and defeating him, the language importance and demand of changing the language code. Ethnic processes are verbalized through lexical stock of the language that happened to notice numerous newly formed units representing mostly notions of “hostile” and “hostility”. New lexicon singles out the tendency of estimating within new language mentality as well as Ukrainians’ negative attitude to war and towards those who had caused it. Creating neologisms was motivated by the sudden assault of those called the brother people, their chauvinistic and deceptive ideology, the occupants’ atrocities, their actions similar to those done by the fascists in the WWII, their typically determined actions proved as crimes in the occupied territories, treacherous “patriotism” of those who appeared to be native Ukrainians, and filled with putinism.
Originality. The topic is for the first time regarded as that to describe the problem of interaction between language and ethnos in the context of full-scale Russia’s intervention, to follow the processes of Ukrainian people’s sufferings, to present and work out both linguistic and ethnical changes in the period.
Conclusion. Transformations in the Ukrainian society, lexical and lexical semantic changes in its language reveal active ethnic processes enforced and revealed by the Russian-Ukrainian war. Modern media and I-net language is full of numerous negatively coloured newly formed units that clear up the estimating character of modern Ukrainian lingual mentality and represent expanded nominative rows to give names to the aggressor state, to Russians and their president, their ideology of intrusion, states and processes caused by Russian invasion. Ukrainian language has become the symbol of resistance against the occupants’ war, of fight for independence, restoring the occupied territories and defeating the enemy that are fixed in its system that fully describes the evolution of national mentality.

Article Details

Author Biography

Hanna Martynova, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy (Cherkasy, Ukraine)

Doctor of philological sciences, professor of the Department of Ukrainian Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy
(Cherkasy, Ukraine)
ORCID: 0000-0002-8033-075X


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