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Oleksandra Hashybayazova


Introduction. Anthropocentrism of the late 20th and early 21st centuries led to the increased attention of linguists to the actualization of the speech meanings of the word and the influence of the national factor on linguistic phenomena. Additional semantic and pragmatic features of the lexical meaning are implemented by connotation, which is mainly associated with semantic or stylistic shades that are superimposed on the main meaning, serve to express various expressive, emotional and evaluative colours. At
the semantic level, connotation is a variety of associations related to the signified object, which can be objectified in the figurative meanings of the word, in phraseological units and comparisons.
The purpose is to analyze the connotative component of the meaning of evaluative adjectives in modern journalistic texts.
The purpose is to analyze the connotative component of the meaning of evaluative adjectives in modern journalistic texts.
Results. The journalistic style is characterized by an emotional assessment. A positive (ameliorative) evaluation can be conveyed only through a positive emotion, and a negative (pejorative) evaluation through a negative emotion (disapproval, rejection, contempt, revulsion). The main attention is paid to the disclosure of the specificity of negative adjectives in the journalistic style, the changes in the connotative meaning of the analyzed nominations are traced. A negative assessment can be justified not only by linguistic, but also by psychological factors. Negative emotions are the first to be reproduced and the last to disappear, hence the logical conclusion about the historical priority of negative emotions and means of their realization.
Originality. The main indicator for lexical meaning is connotation. It is that special facet, which reflects the originality of the word. The linguistic stylistic expression of negative emotional evaluation significantly prevails in terms of the number of not only varieties, but also of specific linguistic material of expression of positive evaluation.
Conclusions. The journalistic style represents the transformation of the linguistic picture of the world, the addition of new words and the change of its fragments due to the change of connotation, which leads to the enrichment of the native speakers’ perception of the surrounding reality. Adjectives are a kind of information capacitors in the language of socio-political, historical and cultural experience of society.

Article Details

Author Biography

Oleksandra Hashybayazova, Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy (Cherkasy, Ukraine)

Graduate Student of the
Department of Ukrainian Linguistics and Applied Linguistics,
Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy,
(Cherkasy, Ukraine)


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