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Inna Demeshko


Introduction. At the current stage of the derivatology development the formation of the typology and clarification of the derivational morphonology problematic issues and specifics of the derivational nests with the peak verbs remain relevant, including the aspect of the morphonological features definition and the morphonological transformation determinants. These factors define the importance of the derivational morphology study especially the verb derivatives in the synchronic aspect in order to analyze the peculiarities of the morphonological transformations of the derivational nests.
Purpose. The purpose is to determine the research vectors to revel the morphonological structure of the derivational nests with an apex verb.
Methods. The descriptive-typological, etymological and structural methods are used in the research as well as the method of the linguistic description of the language facts, the component, structural-semantic and functional-transpositional analysis.
Results. The study of the peculiarities of the morphonological adaptation of the verb derivatives in
the modern Ukrainian language makes it possible to research the derivative modification mechanism. The
system of the modern Ukrainian derivational morphonology of the verb is modeled, and the results can
indicate that all the derivational nests with an indivisible peak verb are distributed among 25 morphonological types, the derivational nests with an articulated peak verb are distributed among 50 morphonological types, taking into account the nature of the verbal base and the complex of the morphonological transformations.
Originality. The perspective comprehensive analysis of the morphonological transformations of the verbal derivational nests has been carried out according to the actual material. It has been proved that the typical morphological structures of the derivational nest peaks are endowed with the prognostic functions and they predict the morphonological behavior of the word-forming means and derivatives.
Conclusion. The study of the morphonological adaptation of the deverbatives in the Ukrainian language makes it possible to trace the mechanism of the base modification and morphonological transformation into the derivatives. Compiling a nested dictionary with a peak verb, it is necessary to take into account the direction and multiplicity of the motivation. The derivational ability of the deverbatives is influenced with the origin and structure of the word, the productivity of the derivational means, and stylistic marking. The study of the multi-structured derivational nests helps to visualize the internal dynamics of the word-forming system, trace the quantitative and qualitative filling of the nests, and identify the regularity and productivity of the corresponding morphonological types and morphonological models. 

Article Details

Author Biography

Inna Demeshko, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University (Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine)

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of the Ukrainian Philology
and Journalism, Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State University
(Kropyvnytskyi, Ukraine)
e-mail: demeshkoim@gmail


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