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Iryna Saievych
Mariia Krylova


Introduction. Interest in comprehensive exploration of personality has remained strong for a long time. The results of the exploration have been objectified in a significant number of language codes, and one of the most important sources for studying the semantics of units has proved to be associative relations between words. The material for this research has been received as a result of a free associative experiment conducted with university students. The list of stimuli includes high-frequency names of artists in the realm of literature, visual arts, performing arts, and music.
Purpose. The research is aimed at clarification of psychologically relevant relations in the group of artists’ names and their subject, semantic-relevant and functional features, which have been objectified in the speakers’ mental lexicon.
Results. Analysis of associative fields has shown a different ratio of the core and peripheral parts for different stimuli, in which different semantic, thematic-situational, and pragmatic features are explicated. It has been determined that the structure and volume of associative fields were influenced by the following factors: 1) heterogeneous nature of system connections between lexical units depending on the field of art; 2) different amount of semantic information enclosed in language signs; 3) recipients’ level of knowledge of the artists’ specific activities; 4) experience in using the lexemes in speech practice.
Originality. The peculiarity of this research lies in the analysis of associative fields in comparison with lexicographic data. It has enabled the author to distinguish conventional features that form the semantics of the lexemes, and to single out individual features that enrich ideas about the conceptual space and determine the functional potential of names. A significant change in the semantic volume of some stimulus words has been traced, which proves the dynamic nature of the lexical-semantic system.
Conclusion. Analysis of the results of the experiment has shown the predominance of thematic reactions and a high level of subject attribution of stimulus names. The features explicated in associative fields have confirmed a high axiological status of the artist in the Ukrainian language and culture. 

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Author Biographies

Iryna Saievych, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Kyiv, Ukraine)

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor of the Ukrainian
Language Department, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
(Kyiv, Ukraine)

Mariia Krylova, 4th year student of the Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Kyiv, Ukraine)

4th year student of the Faculty of Ukrainian Philology,
Culture and Arts, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University (Kyiv, Ukraine)


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