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Summary. Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the variability of the meanings of Internet discourse and its role in the modern world. Internet discourse influences language processes, which leads to the emergence of new ways of using language on the Internet.

Purpose. One of the main directions is to describe the phenomenon of youth communication in german Internet discourse on the example of the Vong language.

Methods. The research was conducted with the involvement of discourse analysis for a critical study of the phenomenon of youth communication in Internet discourse; pragmatic and conversational analysis - to identify features of the implementation of the Vong language; continuous sampling method - to select the actual research material.

Results. Characterization of Internet discourse based on the Vong language characterizes it as the latest dynamic phenomenon that goes beyond the accepted and creates new forms of means of communication. The study was based on fragments of communication using the Vong language on the Internet, extracted from a continuous sample of Internet sources.

Originality of the article is determined by the need for a broader study of Internet discourse on the example of Vong, as the topic is quite new and we see it appropriate to study Internet discourse on the example of Vong with all its features and modifications.

Conclusion. There is an opinion that discourse is a language within a language, presented in the form of a special social fact. Discourse really does not exist in the form of its grammar and its lexicon, but primarily and mainly in texts, but those that are followed by a special grammar, a special lexicon, special rules of word usage and syntax, special semantics, ultimately a special world. This is a possible (alternative) world. One such alternative world is the world of the Internet. Based on this, we can conclude that the Vong language, which became the basis of the study, is a holistic subject for research and serves as a system of communication of young people on the Internet.

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