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Summary. Introduction. The study of the dynamics of dialectal speech is one of the important problems of modern dialectology. The analysis of scientific works on dynamic processes in the dialects of the Ukrainian language has allowed to identify different approaches to their study: synchronous simultaneous measurement of elements in the linguistic space involving methods and data of the linguistic geography and consideration of static and dynamic elements in their historical development, recorded at different intervals.

Purpose. The purpose of the investigation is to identify static and dynamic phenomena in the dialects of Nadvirna.

Methods. The use of comparative and descriptive methods has made it possible to trace the changes that have taken place in the dialects over almost a century.

Results. The article points out that the elucidation of the nature, directions and stability of changes in individual segments of the system of different language levels is possible only if the dynamic and static elements are defined in the dialect. The main features of the Nadprut (Pokut-Bukovynian) dialect, described in K. Kysilevskys research on the materials collected during 19191940, and modern texts recorded during field expeditions in the dialects of Nadvirna district are compared. It has been found out that most of the analyzed phonetic and morphological features are static; some phenomena show attenuation in the dialects of Nadvirna, as now we only record them in the speech of the older generation; in some dialects the phenomena characteristic of the eastern part of the Nadprut dialect are revealed.

Originality. The state of preservation of phonetic and morphological features of the dialects of Nadvirna district of Ivano-Frankivsk region is revealed.

Conclusion. Comparison of different time evidences of the dialects of Nadvirna district has confirmed the opinion of the researchers that the phonological and grammatical systems are the least open to changes and show the stability of the dialects of Nadvirna for almost a hundred of years. We see the prospect of the investigation in the study of the dynamics of the dialects at the lexical-semantic level.

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