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Галина Кочерга


The article analyzes the linguistic mechanism of the secondary designation of the suffix verbal derivation, and establishes the boundary between semantically derived units in the nominative-derivative processes of the national-language picture of the world. The suffix derivation of the nominal verbs should be considered not only within semantics, but also in the onomasiological aspect of the language and its links with the structure of consciousness: thinking, mental functions, internalization of reality and the sensation of the world, as well as in the mechanism of reflection of referents in mentality and their designation in language system. Nominative processes determine the mechanism of interaction of reality, thinking and language, inherent in a certain ethnic group, which determines the Introduction. The purpose of the article is to analyze the patterns of formation, development of the suffixal wordformation of nominal verbs in the old-Ukrainian literary language of the 14th–17th centuries, according to the structural-semantic types. The result of the study. The most productive word-forming formant, with the help of which the indispensable verbs were formed in the Old-Ukrainian (Russian) language of the 14th-17th centuries, was a suffix -и-, which corresponds to the ancient Proto-Slavic foundations on *-i-. In the Proto-Slavic language, for the creation of new verbs, the suffix *-i- could be combined with different basics of nouns, adjectives, adverbs. The suffix -и- is represented by a large number of semantic subtypes and semantically isolated verb formants. Verbs with suffix -и- are motivated by nouns of different semantics. The Old Ukrainian verbal system inherited from the Proto-Slavonic era all typological characteristics of the nominal suffix word-formation. However, there was a historical redistribution of word-formation formants by the degree of their productivity. The subtransient verbal word-formation using the suffix -иwas one of the main ways to replenish the linguistic segment. Originality. The verb suffix -и- in the language of the XIV–XVII centuries. had the most ambiguity, a wide range of semantic shades of tumors and the stability of the models. It was one of the main ways to replenish the verb vocabulary of the period, actively functioned during the period under study and proceeded to the next stage of the language formation. Conclusions. The most numerous in the period of study were the nominal verbs with the suffix -и-. Based on the word-formation meanings, the following subtypes were formed: transgressive, locative, finite, commitat, mediator and insignificant number of verbs of elements and partonyms

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